Prøv den politiske quiz

101 Diskussioner

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…8 minutter8m

Do you believe that stronger border controls are an effective way to prevent terrorism, and why or why not?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…8 minutter8m

How do you think society should treat individuals from countries associated with terrorism who seek to live in your coun…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…8 minutter8m

Should the government have more powers to prevent terrorism, even if it means less privacy for citizens?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…8 minutter8m

What are your thoughts on balancing national security with individual freedoms when dealing with suspected terrorists?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…8 minutter8m

How would you feel about your safety if you knew terrorists might be planning an attack near you?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…9 minutter9m

6 ISIS Terrorists Arrested After Crossing U.S. Border

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…30 minutter30m

Secret Tape Exposes Supreme Court Justice Alito's Wife's Controversial Remarks

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…3 timer3H

French Financial Markets Rocked by Political Uncertainty Ahead of Snap Elections

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…4 timer4H

What would you be willing to give up in your daily life to cope with increasing prices for basic necessities like cereal…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…4 timer4H

How would you feel if you had to spend half of your monthly budget on food because of the rising global food prices?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…4 timer4H

Global Food Prices Rise For Third Straight Month

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…4 timer4H

Biden Moves to Bar Medical Debt From Consumer Credit Reports

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…4 timer4H

How do you think the public exposure of a person's private life and mistakes impacts their family and future?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…4 timer4H

How would you feel if a close family member's mistakes were made public and discussed nationwide?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…5 timer5H

Højesterets afgørelser antænder debatter om autonomi, etik og rettigheder

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…6 timer6H

Russia and Belarus Escalate Tensions with Second Stage of Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…6 timer6H

How might electing supreme court judges affect the relationship between the government's executive and judicial branches…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…6 timer6H

Do you think electing supreme court judges could make the judiciary more or less fair, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…6 timer6H

Mexico plans to elect supreme court judges

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…6 timer6H

Tensions Flare as South Korea Fires Warning Shots at North Korean Troops Crossing Border

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…7 timer7H

Do you believe combining forces with controversial political parties is a strategic move or a compromise of values?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…7 timer7H

France’s conservative leader calls for pact with far right

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…7 timer7H

Tragic Sinking of Migrant Boat off Yemen Claims 49 Lives, Leaves 140 Missing

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…7 timer7H

4 U.S. college professors injured in stabbing attack in China

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…8 timer8H

Considering the human aspect, what responsibilities do you believe a country has towards people who arrive at its border…

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…9 timer9H

US and Poland Unite to Combat Russian Disinformation on Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

USA vil skygge russisk atomubåd nær Cuba

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

UN Accuses Israeli Forces and Palestinian Groups of Possible War Crimes

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Should the international community get involved in enforcing the peace agreement, and how does that make you feel about…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Is it ethical to swap prisoners in the context of peace negotiations, and why do you feel that way?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

What do you think about the role of international organizations like the U.N. in resolving conflicts between countries o…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

Can a lasting peace be achieved when both sides have committed to such hardline positions prior to negotiations?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…10 timer10H

How do you feel about the idea of negotiating peace with a group that has previously been involved in conflict?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

Hamas accepts UN-backed Gaza peace plan

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…10 timer10H

Trump's Latest Controversies: From Taylor Swift Comments to Legal Woes

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…13 timer13H

Rising Star Jordan Bardella: The New Face of France's Far Right

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…13 timer13H

US Reverses Ban, Allows Ukraine's Azov Brigade Access to American Weapons

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvis du havde magten, hvilke ændringer ville du foretage i sundhedsforsikringssystemet for at sikre, at alle modtager de…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvordan føler du dig ved tanken om, at nogle mennesker måske ikke får den pleje, de har brug for, fordi deres forsikring…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Vil du foretrække en sundhedsforsikringsplan med mere frihed til at vælge læger, men potentielt højere omkostninger, ell…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Synes du, det er etisk forsvarligt for forsikringsselskaber at få patienter til at fremstå sygere på papir for at modtag…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvordan ville du føle dig, hvis du fandt ud af, at din sundhedsforsikringsplan prioriterede profit over at give dig den…

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…21 timer21H

Medicare Advantage is a failed experiment

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Gør initiativer som tilbagevenden af Help to Buy-ordningen dig mere optimistisk med hensyn til boligkøbsmuligheder for u…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Ville løftet om at reducere nationalforsikringsafgifter påvirke din mening om en politisk kandidat, og hvorfor?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvordan tror du, at de foreslåede skattelettelser for udlejere kan påvirke din lokalsamfund eller det bredere boligmarke…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…21 timer21H

Hvad synes du om at give skattelettelser til udlejere som en måde at opfordre dem til at sælge ejendomme til deres lejer…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…22 timer22H

Med tanke på den flerårige genopbygningsplan for Gaza, hvad er dine følelser over for internationale bestræbelser på at…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…22 timer22H

Hvilke følelser kommer op for dig, når du tænker på kravet om våbenhvile trods vedvarende spændinger?

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…22 timer22H

Hvad synes du om muligheden for varig fred opnået gennem forhandlinger, der involverer kompromiser som fangeudveksling?

 @ISIDEWITH afsendt…22 timer22H

Israel har "ingen kommentar" til FN's Sikkerhedsrådsresolution.

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…22 timer22H

Hvordan får tanken om, at din regering låner flere penge for at dække udgifter, dig til at føle dig om dens evne til at…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…22 timer22H

Hvis du havde ansvaret, ville du prioritere at reducere den nationale gæld eller finansiere programmer som uddannelse og…

 @ISIDEWITH spurgt…22 timer22H

Hvordan ville du føle dig, hvis du fandt ud af, at din familie pludselig havde lånt en stor sum penge uden at fortælle d…