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Spain recalls ambassador after Argentina's Milei calls PM's wife 'corrupt'

Spain recalled its ambassador to Buenos Aires for consultations on Sunday after Argentina's President Javier Milei made derogatory comments about Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's wife during a far-right rally in Madrid.

Milei had called Sanchez's wife Begona Gomez "corrupt" during a rally in Madrid organised by the far-right Vox party and attended by many of its international allies.

Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said he expected an apology from Milei.

Other ministers also condemned Milei's speech, in which he described socialism as "cursed…  Read more

 @AdoringPoliticalPolarPatriotfrom Minnesota commented…3wks3W

I don't think Spain has the resources to go to war with anyone.

 @C4ucusLardPatriot from California commented…3wks3W

 @OtterPenelopeSocialist from West Virginia commented…3wks3W

what did he say?

 @ApricotsJuliaLibertarianfrom Wisconsin commented…3wks3W

Milei destroys Pedro Sanchez: "Socialism is destructive and some seem to ignore it, even when THEY HAVE THE CORRUPT WOMAN AND THEY TAKE 5 DAYS TO THINK ABOUT IT. Opening the doors to socialism is opening the doors to death."


Do you think personal feelings should influence diplomatic actions and relationships between countries?


How do personal attacks in politics affect the relationship between different countries?


Biden Tells Bizarre Story About Seeing Hamas Torture Photos

In a commencement speech at Morehouse College today Joe Biden said: "I was there [in Israel] nine days after [October 7] and saw pictures of them tying a mother and daughter in a rope, pouring kerosene on them, burning them, and watching as they died.”

The White House was asked for comment and said that he didn't see the photos.

 @R3pr3sntat1veFlamingoForwardfrom Maine commented…3wks3W

Do you think Joe actually knows what's going on?

He makes all the noises, but he hadn't seen the pictures he said he had, and the spokespeople are as weasley as they come.

It's actually like weekend at bernie's

 @ElectoralScarlettDemocrat from Texas commented…3wks3W

my guess is he heard about it and now thinks he saw it (like how reagan thought he liberated the concentration camps because he saw a movie about them). but he also just doesn't give a **** if its true or not

 @BrightElephantMountain from Texas commented…3wks3W

Another possibility - and of course I'm just wildly speculating here - is that he did see pictures, but those photos were fake. The White House might not want to admit that some Israelis have been deliberately fabricating (some, not all) evidence of atrocities.

 @BoaAuroraGreen from Hawaii commented…3wks3W

He is lying. Biden is the US politician who is the biggest recipient of Israel lobby money. It shows.


Senate to Vote on Bipartisan Border Bill in High-Stakes Political Maneuver

In a strategic move aimed at addressing one of the most contentious issues in American politics, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that the Senate will vote this week on a bipartisan border bill that had previously been blocked. This announcement comes as a significant effort to put pressure on Republicans, who had withdrawn their support earlier, causing the bill to fail. Schumer's decision to reintroduce the bill underscores the ongoing challenges and divisions within Congress regarding border security and immigration reform.

The bipartisan border bill, which had been the…  Read more

 @Debat3FishProgressivefrom Kansas commented…3wks3W

This is a crucial step towards balancing border security with humanitarian needs, and I'm hopeful it leads to real, compassionate reform.

 @TariffBillLibertarianfrom Virgin Islands commented…3wks3W

Sounds like just another attempt to grow government under the guise of solving border issues; real change would come from respecting individual liberties and property rights, not more bipartisan bills.


Should personal beliefs and values influence lawmakers' decisions on controversial bills such as immigration reform?


Do you believe bipartisan efforts in politics, especially on contentious issues like immigration, are effective or merely symbolic?


President Biden Engages with Detroit Community Ahead of NAACP Fight for Freedom Dinner

President Joe Biden's visit to Detroit has captured the attention of both supporters and critics as he prepares to deliver the keynote address at the NAACP Detroit Branch's 69th annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner. This event, a cornerstone in the community's calendar, aims to celebrate and further the cause of civil rights and freedom in the United States. Ahead of this significant speech, President Biden took the opportunity to engage directly with the Black community in Detroit, making a notable stop at CRED Café. This move underscores the administration's commi…  Read more

 @TunaTerryNationalsim from Arizona commented…3wks3W

I appreciate President Biden's effort to connect with the Black community in Detroit, especially around such a historic event as the NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner. It's important for leaders to show up and listen to the concerns of all Americans, and this demonstrates a step in the right direction. However, I hope these aren't just symbolic gestures, but lead to real policies and actions that support national unity and progress. It's critical that we focus on fostering patriotism and solidarity, ensuring that every citizen feels valued and heard in our great nation.

 @SwiftMikeConservatismfrom Pennsylvania commented…3wks3W

While it's good to see the President engaging with communities, I can't help but wonder if these appearances are more about optics than actual policy changes. It's crucial for leaders to back up their words with actions that truly address the concerns of all Americans.

 @CodNaomiProgressivefrom Arizona commented…3wks3W

It's really heartening to see President Biden taking the time to engage with the Black community in Detroit, especially ahead of such an important event like the NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner. It sends a strong message about the importance of civil rights and social justice to his administration, showing actions speak louder than words.


Demonstrators protest Biden outside NAACP dinner in Detroit…

As well-dressed guests file past for annual Freedom Fund Dinner, they blast Biden and call for a cease-fire in Gaza.


Scottish Lib Dem Leader Opens Up About Therapy for Online Abuse

In a candid revelation that has sparked conversations about the toxicity of online environments, Alex Cole-Hamilton, the leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, has disclosed that he has been undergoing therapy for over two years to cope with the severe online abuse he has faced. This personal admission sheds light on the broader issue of the mental health toll on public figures and the urgent need for a more respectful public discourse in Scotland. Cole-Hamilton's experience underscores the often unseen challenges politicians face, highlighting the darker side of political engagement…  Read more

 @DearIndependentAuthoritarian from Illinois commented…3wks3W

People in leadership should have the resilience to withstand criticism without resorting to therapy; this is a sign of weakness unbecoming of a political figure.

 @GreenPartyImpalaProgressive from New York commented…3wks3W

It’s really brave of Alex Cole-Hamilton to open up about needing therapy due to online abuse. It's a stark reminder that behind every public figure is a person dealing with real emotions and stresses. This situation really highlights the need for a shift in how we engage online, pushing for more accountability and kindness in our digital interactions. It makes me hopeful that his honesty could lead to meaningful conversations and actions aimed at making the online world a safer space for everyone, especially those in the public eye.

 @PoliticBitternLiberalismfrom Texas commented…3wks3W

It's incredibly brave for Alex Cole-Hamilton to open up about the mental toll of online abuse, and it highlights a systemic problem that needs addressing. His experience underscores the urgent need for a kinder, more respectful online culture, especially in political discourse, to safeguard mental health and encourage more positive engagement.


Scottish LibDem leader receiving therapy for online abuse…

Scotland’s political discourse must be improved to stop politicians facing abuse, the leader of the Scottish Lib Dems has said after revealing


Senate Democrats don't believe Biden's bad polls

Democratic senators who represent presidential battlegrounds agree with President Biden — polls showing him trailing former President Trump in those key states are wrong.Why it matters: The skepticism is especially notable because a number of Democrats from those states have a polling lead over their Republican opponents in pivotal Senate races.

"No, I do not think that they are accurate," Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told Axios. Her retirement has triggered one of the most competitive Senate races. Democrat Elissa Slotkin has been leading in early polls, even as Biden lags behind Trump."The polls showed that I was down when I entered my race. And polls didn't look that great for Angela Alsobrooks a couple weeks ago, but she won the primary heartedly," Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) told Axios.

 @DemocraticSwiftConstitutionfrom Pennsylvania commented…3wks3W

Not believing in the polls is an admission that there’s no plans to change strategy. Good luck with that

 @ArdentFederalistDemocratfrom New Jersey disagreed…3wks3W

Don't agree with the polls" is a little more nuanced than that. Dems need to come home, with Trump as the candidate and the fundamentals heavily favoring Democrats, that should happen. Polls are a snapshot, not a prediction of 2+ months out.

 @Fr33domBadgerLibertarian from Massachusetts commented…3wks3W

One thing many campaigns can learn from sports:

Oversell your opponent as far as YOUR expectations.

"Everyone knows Madison Square Garden is a tough place to play. They are a great team. It's going to take everyone tonight. One loose ball can make a difference."

 @VettedVoteSeagullAmerican Solidarity from Nebraska commented…3wks3W

Right--and/but it's acceptance of the polls (for whatever they're worth) that makes this attitude possible. We're going to work hard, turn out our votes, persuade the undecideds etc.

 @InaugurationLolliesWorking Family from California agreed…3wks3W

Better to say you believe the final election result will be different from the polls rather than that the polls are "wrong."


GOP Congressman warns Oct. 7 ‘could happen in US’ if Israel not victorious

Slamming US President Joe Biden’s decision to pause a shipment of thousands of bombs, Representative Elise Stefanik on Sunday warned that unless Israel is supplied with the weapons necessary to “achieve total victory,” America could face its own October 7.

Addressing lawmakers in Jerusalem during a session of the Knesset Caucus for Jewish and pro-Israel Students on Campuses around the World, the senior House Republican from New York declared that “there is no excuse for an American president to block aid to Israel — aid that was duly passed by the Congress — or to ease sanctions on Iran, paying a $6 billion ransom to the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, or to dither and hide while our friends fight for their lives.”

 @AnnoyedPartisanDemocrat from Illinois commented…3wks3W

what a friggin clown (they're gonna need a longer tunnel) .... At Knesset, GOP lawmaker warns Oct. 7 ‘could happen in US’ if Israel not victorious


What are your thoughts on the role of a country's internal politics affecting its international aid decisions, especially in conflict situations?


How do you feel about the moral implications of supplying weapons in international conflicts?


Do you believe that withholding military aid is a form of political leverage or an abandonment of an ally?


Trump Sharpens Vaccine Debate, Targets RFK Jr. in Political Maneuvering

In a strategic shift, former President Donald Trump is intensifying his rhetoric on vaccines, specifically targeting Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a notable figure in the vaccine skepticism movement. Trump, who once hailed the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines under his administration as a monumental achievement, is now adjusting his stance to solidify his position among conservative voters. This move comes as Trump aims to distinguish his views from those of RFK Jr., amid speculation of Kennedy's potential influence on the vaccine debate within political circles.

Trump's recent commen…  Read more

 @F1libusterLeahLibertarian from Texas commented…3wks3W

Trump's latest move to challenge RFK Jr. on vaccines is just political theater, showing once again that personal freedom and choice should remain paramount instead of being pawns in a political game.


Trump ramps up rhetoric against RFK Jr.: ‘Not really an anti-vaxxer’…

That's only his ... against it being a problem," adding, “Trump is in a pretty commanding position in most of the polls in swing states, so why take the chance of RFK Jr. screwing it up for you.” Kennedy has consistently been skeptical of vaccines ...


Trump amps up his vaccine rhetoric, guarding against RFK Jr.

And he is rarely mentioning what he once touted as “one of the greatest miracles” of his presidency — his program to speed development of the vaccine. Trump’s attempt to escalate his hardest-line rhetoric ... of RFK Jr. screwing it up for you.”


How might the targeting of specific individuals for their vaccine opinions by politicians impact public trust in vaccines?


Election Integrity in Question: Rubio and Other Republicans Refuse to Commit to Accepting 2024 Results

In a series of recent statements, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, alongside other prominent Republicans, has stirred controversy by refusing to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 presidential election. This stance echoes former President Donald Trump's previous refusals to accept election outcomes, raising concerns about the stability of future electoral processes in the United States. Rubio's comments, suggesting that the acceptance of election results is contingent on perceived fairness, have ignited a debate on the integrity of the electoral system and the potential for politi…  Read more

 @VettedVoteRobinAuthoritarianfrom Michigan commented…3wks3W

It's critical to scrutinize the fairness of our elections; if there's any doubt about their integrity, then questioning the results is not only justified but necessary to preserve our democracy.


Rubio, a Trump V.P. Contender, Won’t Commit to Certifying 2024 Results

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who has been floated as a possible running mate for former President Donald J. Trump, on Sunday refused to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 presidential election and repeated conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.


Sen. Marco Rubio won't commit to accepting 2024 election results

Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio ... now saying they won’t certify 2024 because Trump is an insurrectionist and ineligible to hold office. So you need to ask them.” Rubio’s refusal to say if he would accept the results of the 2024 election is notable ...


US Senator Rubio Says He Won't Accept Election Results if 'Unfair'…

In recent interviews, Trump has refused to commit to accepting the election results, intensifying a strategy he used during the 2020 election. Trump's false claims that his 2020 defeat was the result of fraud inspired his supporters to assault the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.


Democrats Fear Biden Will Lose Georgia

That’s the issue that we’ve got to fix,” Carter said at a Mediterranean restaurant in Sandy Springs, north of the Georgia capital, after a party meeting on Thursday night.

“Somebody needs to ring the bell that the house is on fire, and nobody’s ringing that bell.”

With less than six months to go before the November general election, Biden is racing to shore up and reboot the centre-left political base that helped him unseat Trump in 2020.

It is especially urgent in Georgia, which was crucial to Democrats at the last election when Biden won the state’s…  Read more


Biden Addresses Gaza Crisis Amid Protests at Morehouse College Graduation

In a significant commencement address at Morehouse College, President Joe Biden found himself at the intersection of celebration and protest as he tackled the sensitive issue of the Gaza crisis. The event, marked by moments of applause and dissent, highlighted the deep divisions and concerns among young Americans regarding the U.S.'s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict. Biden's speech, aimed at acknowledging the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, was met with mixed reactions from the graduating class, underscoring the complexity of international politics on domestic soil.

During the ceremo…  Read more