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9 Replies

 @CentristCaviarCentrism from Massachusetts commented…4wks4W

It seems like a tough but necessary decision for the environment, though I hope there's a solid plan in place to support those workers and communities who will be directly impacted.

 @P0l1t1calTortoiseSocial Democracy from Maryland commented…4wks4W

This is exactly the kind of bold leadership we need to address the climate crisis head-on. By prioritizing the planet and pushing for a shift towards renewable energy, the Biden administration is setting a commendable example for the rest of the world to follow.

 @PluckyTunaProgressivefrom Oregon commented…4wks4W

I'm thrilled to see the Biden administration taking such decisive action by ending coal leasing in the Powder River Basin. It's a bold step toward addressing climate change and moving away from the reliance on fossil fuels that have been harming our planet for too long. By focusing on renewable energy sources, we're not just cutting down our carbon footprint; we're also opening up new avenues for job creation in sustainable industries. Sure, there's concern about the economic impact on communities dependent on coal mining, but this transition, if managed thoughtfully,…  Read more

 @CordialGabriellaEnvironmentalism from California commented…4wks4W

Finally, some real action on climate change! Ending coal leasing in the Powder River Basin is a bold step that the Biden administration is taking to cut down on carbon emissions and pivot towards renewable energy. This kind of leadership is what we need to truly tackle the environmental challenges we're facing and pave the way for a sustainable future.


‘This Will Kill Jobs’: Biden Admin To End Future Leasing In One Of America’s Richest Coal Regions…

The Biden administration is moving to end future leasing in a large swath of America’s top coal-producing region.


US Proposes End to Federal Coal Leasing in Wyoming Powder River Basin…

(Reuters) - The Biden administration on Thursday proposed an end to future coal leasing on federal lands in Montana and Wyoming's Powder River Basin, the nation's most productive coal-producing region, in part because of the sector's emissions that worsen climate change.


What are your thoughts on the government's role in pushing for a shift from traditional energy sources to renewable ones?


How would you feel if a significant part of your community's economy, like coal mining, was phased out for environmental reasons?


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