Try the political quiz

7 Replies


How would you feel if a leader in your own country resigned due to allegations of corruption, and would you see their resignation as a sign of progress or instability?

 @9LVM2TP from South Dakota answered…2mos2MO

I would feel like that leader is not fit for unstable situations and this shows instability.


Vietnam parliament chief quits over 'violations' in latest leadership upheaval…

The chairman of Vietnam's parliament Vuong Dinh Hue has resigned over his "violations and shortcomings", its government said on Friday, in a new sign of political turbulence just weeks after the high-profile dismissal of the country's president.


Resignation of Vietnam’s Parliament Chief Stirs Fresh Political Chaos

Vuong Dinh Hue’s departure comes amid a growing anticorruption push and weeks after Vietnam’s president resigned.


Vietnam parliament chief quits amid deepening political turbulence…

The chairman of Vietnam's parliament Vuong Dinh Hue resigned over unspecified "violations and shortcomings", the ruling Communist Party said on Friday, a new sign of political turbulence weeks after the dismissal of the country's president.