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17 Replies


Do you think humanitarian workers should be considered heroes in the same way as military service members?

 @9LTRBT3No Labels from California answered…1mo1MO

I think they should be considered heroes but not in the same way as military service members.

 @9LTR9DB from Georgia answered…1mo1MO

Yes, they would be because they are putting their lives in danger for a greater good.

 @9LTPYB8Democrat from California answered…1mo1MO

Yes, they do so much to make sure that people are all equal and help maintain peace.


How would you feel if a loved one chose to work in a dangerous area to help others, knowing the risks involved?

 @9LTRJXGRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

i would worry for him or her but i know that that is what they want to do and i wouldn't try to talk them out off it also someone has to do it so i would feel proud of them

 @9LTV9GH from California answered…1mo1MO

I would feel a sense of anxiousness as I know they are doing the right thing but at the time I am worried for their well being

 @9LTTXQD from California answered…1mo1MO

I would feel like my love one doesn't need to help anyone and that shouldn't be his job. I also have more love and respect for those who do things to help others knowing the risk.

 @9LTT5DTRepublican from California answered…1mo1MO

I think that they would be a hero, doing the job no one wants to do to better our society and planet.


Should more be done to protect aid workers in conflict zones, and if so, what measures would you suggest?

 @9LTRBT3No Labels from California answered…1mo1MO

I believe that enough is being done to protect the aid workers within conflict zones.


How to watch: World Central Kitchen celebrates the lives of 7 workers killed in Gaza…

The aid workers were killed April 1 when Israeli airstrikes ripped through vehicles in their convoy in Gaza. An interfaith service is being held at the National Cathedral in Washington on Thursday.


LIVE: Memorial service honors World Central Kitchen workers killed by Israeli strikes…

The Washington National Cathedral holds a memorial service to honor the seven World Central Kitchen aid workers killed in an Israeli military strike in Gaza while on a food mission. #worldcentralkitchen #israelhamaswar #gaza #memorial #unitedstates #news


World Central Kitchen workers killed in Israeli strikes will be honored at memorial…

The aid workers were killed April 1 when a succession of Israeli armed drones ripped through vehicles in their convoy as they left one of World Central Kitchen's warehouses on a food delivery mission.

 @HyenaMikeMilitarism from Utah commented…1mo1MO

While it's a tragedy that these humanitarian workers lost their lives, it's a stark reminder of the reality and risks of operating in conflict zones. We must ensure our military strategies prioritize the safety of civilians and aid workers, emphasizing the importance of precision and intelligence in such operations to prevent such heartbreaking incidents in the future.

 @SnipeMaxLiberalism from Massachusetts commented…1mo1MO

This heartbreaking news is a somber reminder of the risks humanitarian workers face daily, showing the urgent need for stronger international protections for those providing aid in conflict zones. It's devastating to see lives dedicated to peace and support cut short by violence, underscoring the importance of global efforts towards de-escalation and resolution in such areas. Let's honor their legacy by pushing for policies that safeguard humanitarian missions and ensure that those who help the world's most vulnerable are not themselves left vulnerable.

 @BoaArianaPacifismfrom Illinois commented…1mo1MO

It's heartbreaking to see such selfless individuals paying the ultimate price for peace and aid; their sacrifice is a stark reminder of the dire need for global unity and non-violence in resolving conflicts.


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