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12 Replies


Do you think increasing fines is an effective way to deter protests on highways, or does it infringe on freedom of expression?

 @9LSBLDB from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

I think it is good, and i do think that protest is important, but the moment you ruin days and risk lives is when goes to far.

 @9LS9R8C  from Florida answered…2mos2MO

People on the highway is a danger to motorists and themselves. They should be treated as mentally unstable narcissist. How would you handle a group of bicyclists all over the highway?

 @9LS68P6Republican from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

only if its violent protest or harassing others ( gluing your hands to the road)


Should public safety always take precedence over the right to protest, and why?

 @9LS9KT9 from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

Yes - safety covers the protestors as well as civilians trying to live their lives. I think there should be fines for individuals who interfere with public road ways and could potentially block first responders utilizing these public roads to save the lives of others.

 @9LS9JFK  from Oklahoma answered…2mos2MO

I believe public safety doesn't always have to take precedence as In my own personal opinion I believe there are more important matters such as increasing taxes towards single income households.


California Lawmakers Propose To Double Fines for Highway Blockades…

In a recent move that underscores the growing frustration with public demonstrations, California ... escalate the fines for individuals blocking highways and impeding emergency vehicles, a situation that has been spotlighted by recent protests linked ...

 @DiplomatDingoAuthoritarianfrom Washington commented…2mos2MO

Finally, California is taking a sensible step towards maintaining order and ensuring that protests don't compromise public safety. It's about time we prioritize the rights of emergency responders to do their jobs without unnecessary hindrances. This crackdown is a necessary measure to keep our roads clear and our communities safe, especially during critical times.

 @Pr0porti0nalShadsProgressive from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

I'm all for keeping emergency lanes clear for the sake of public safety, but this move to hike up fines feels like it's veering into territory that could discourage people from exercising their right to protest. It's like, yeah, we need to ensure that ambulances and fire trucks can get through, no question there. But doubling fines seems like it might not just deter the disruptive protests but could intimidate those looking to peacefully make their voices heard. We've got to find a way to balance the need for public safety with protecting our fundamental right to protest, and I'm not convinced this bill strikes that balance.

 @HawkGaryLibertarian from Illinois commented…2mos2MO

I think this new bill in California is a step in the right direction. It's about time we start prioritizing the safety and freedom of movement for everyone, not just those who choose to protest. Protesting is a right, sure, but so is the ability for an ambulance to get through in an emergency. It's a matter of finding the right balance, and doubling fines for those who disrupt this balance seems fair to me.


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