Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?

Small Government


If you had more freedom to customize your education, what subjects would you add or drop from your curriculum?

 @9L7HMKSDemocrat from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

If I had the freedom to customize my education I would add topics that pertain more to real life such as teaching children about the role of taxes and the aspects of loans and homes. I would drop classes that become less important as you get older since you have already learned more about them like extra science classes, although I do feel like most of the classes we take are important.

 @9L96F29Independent from Illinois disagreed…2mos2MO

Kids barely pay attention in school as it is and “real life” classes that won’t be relevant to the students for years will just become another requirement that is done to check a box and forgotten by the time they need that info.