Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @9KV4XVT  from Arizona commented…3mos3MO

I didn’t know about it because of distracting and attention-grabbing news headlines like the other options

 @9KV7VNQ from New Mexico commented…3mos3MO


If a neighboring country considered your nation a threat, how might that perception affect your feelings about your own government and its foreign policies?

  @9KRT2C5  from Oregon answered…3mos3MO

As an American, with respect to Russia, I would concern myself only with actions that might negatively affect Alaska.

 @Vot3rVo1ceFalconRepublicanfrom New Jersey commented…3mos3MO

This is so totally out of control. We aren't going to have an election. That's why the Democrats are sticking with Biden. It won't matter.

 @Gr4ssrootsWigeonConstitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Turn to Jesus, everyone. we're in the end times, and only he can save your soul for eternal damnation. Trust in him that he paid the price for you on the cross and his death and resurrection.

 @L3ftWingMacawLibertarianfrom New York commented…3mos3MO

Since 1999 NATO has done nothing else than interfering in non NATO countries and consequently adventure our peace, prosperity and democracies.

It has militarily intervened in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and throughout the Middle East, North Africa and now Ukraine despite being a supposed defence pact to defend NATO members.

This has led to a destabalizing stream of refugees into Europe while "its" Atlantic Council has intervened in our democracies and right to free speech.

NATO is a complete disaster for the European peoples and needs to be defanged and defocused on the defense of its member countries. No Swedish or Finnish soldiers should die in any country outside of NATO, nor should any equipment or munitions be sent elsewhere.

 @WidgeonEmiliaDemocrat from New Jersey commented…3mos3MO

It's all talk and no action. They do not have any military capacity left other than at main fronts.

Just look at how they bled Kaliningrad dry.

Lucky for them, we are the good guys and wont take it, even when it's at steep discount currently.

 @UnanimousMattAmerican Solidarityfrom Missouri commented…3mos3MO

Will world leaders allow the conflict to escalate further or will they search for a diplomatic solution?

Mr Externbrink and my father would have opted for a diplomatic solution to stop the war as quickly as possible.

War only has losers.

 @9KV4MKQ from California commented…3mos3MO

 @9KTYTWZRepublican from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

I think they should stop the war now, a lot of people are getting hurt because of them.

 @G3rrymanderSophiaPeace and Freedomfrom Utah commented…3mos3MO

As a finn, this does not worry me at all. We are ready. We have been ready for decades

 @9KV68HY from California commented…3mos3MO

I think all these topics are important but a potential world war is very important breaking news.

 @RedStateGarlicTranshumanist from Utah commented…3mos3MO

They have reduced the troops towards Norway to 10% after the full scale war. So they don't seem to scared by NATO. Would be fun if they will man the full length of the Finish border.


Do you believe Finland has the right to join NATO despite Russia's opposition, or should they consider their neighbor's concerns more seriously?


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