Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9JRJ9QS from Nebraska answered…4mos4MO

I think that an individuals autonomy over what they chose to study in college is great, however this freedom should be limited for grades k-12. Exploring different modes, and topics of education is certainly important, as most individuals don't truly know what they want to pursue in life until they've had a taste of it. However, the problem with allowing too much single track exploration will push individuals behind their peers if they decide they would like to try something else, as they would have to first learn the basics of their new interest before they could continue on to the…  Read more

 @9JRHQM7 from Indiana answered…4mos4MO

Students should be more educated on things that matter, things that include their body, health, lives, and the same things but of others. Students need to learn and need teachers that will teach, they can't just learn on their own by reading a passage. ( I dont actually get the question.)

 @9JRHJPJSocialist from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

I think society would benefit more from people passionate about what they’re pursuing and given the opportunity to explore more