Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @9JPGTSR from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

No the topic of neoliberisam and the idea that the customer is always right is not correct or fair to workers. There have been many scenarios as a retail worker that customers have abused their authority using this and have fired innocent workers.

 @9JQ5MRJ  from North Carolina agreed…4mos4MO

Customers are not always right, they are people same as the workers. If it becomes a legal dispute it should be handled legally.

 @9JQ42KJ from New York disagreed…4mos4MO

if the costamer says you forgot a singular fry in a mcdonalds drive through that is very pettey and there not right

 @9JPMYTX from California agreed…4mos4MO

a customer can say whatever they want but that will not mean that they are right and should get what they want.

 @9JPDYPH from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

No because some customers may demand unreasonable things.


A customer sometime may not be able to be accommodated to due to legal rules, store/business policy, or lack of sufficient materials.

 @9JRCW84 from Michigan disagreed…4mos4MO

I dont agree because there are things that the customer is wrong especially when the company can prove. If its really bad they can get charges against them.

 @9JQ2H93 from Minnesota answered…4mos4MO

I think philosophy “customer is always right” make a sense in some moments, but with it can be follow cases when customer can harm the company, and then to workers.

 @9JPDSTJ from Texas answered…4mos4MO