Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9HZ9S3BRepublican from California answered…5mos5MO

I would say we would live in a more dangerous and unstable society than what we already live in.

 @9HZ9XXT from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

that would be bad if people made up their own rules i think.

 @9J5J9H6 from Illinois disagreed…5mos5MO

If people focused on their freedom and ability to govern themselves in presence of a functioning justice system is good. Even in absence of a justice system and it remains a good thing to focus on personal autonomy.
It is better to focus on where you are free and what you are able to do and what things not to do. Then to focus on the things that we are restricted from doing. Like flying a hand held kite higher then 5000 feet

 @9HZ9ZRW from Arizona answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZ9R3W from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

It would make the world a lot easier to live in, and I think easier life is better

 @9J2XJSB from Oregon disagreed…5mos5MO

Personal autonomy is important, but sometimes you have to do things you don't want for the betterment of everyone else. What would happen if everyone who hates their jobs quit at the same time?

 @9J28BV3Women’s Equality from California answered…5mos5MO

It is essential to the healthy development of personality in a valued entity, the person.