Try the political quiz

What is your stance on abortion?

Pro-life, and I also oppose abortion for victims of rape and incest

 @9H7Q5SQ from Iowa disagreed…7mos7MO

It is the upcoming mother's choice to decide whether she wants an abortion or not until the fetus has reached a certain stage. If someone decides to get an abortion then isn't that was God has chosen for them to do.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

The basic structure of your argument, which is a fallacious enthymeme, is

(1) All things that human beings do God has chosen for them to do and are therefore justified [this is the unstated major premise]

(2) Abortion is something that human beings do [stated minor premise]

(3) Therefore God has chosen for them to do it and it is justified and right [stated conclusion]

You can easily see when the missing premise that you did not state to cloak the logical fallacy (intentionally or unintentionally) is supplied the argument is clearly absurd. You could, under the same line of reasoning, argue with equal validity that slavery and Holocaust must have been right. Therefore your conclusion is untrustworthy. If you would like to continue this debate, clearly stating ALL premises, however, I will be glad to oblige you.