Try the political quiz

Whom would you most like to run for President in 2024?

Joe Biden

 @9GLFGNY from Ohio disagreed…7mos7MO

He raised prices on everything by so much and really screwed the economy over. Im ready to go back to trump for sure. His #1 priority was the economy and ever since hes been gone prices have skyrocketed

 @9GMPTVPRepublican from South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Yes, Joe Biden did raise prices on everything because he could not control our national debt. Which is a huge issue. Whoever runs for the next president elect needs to make one of their biggest priorties to lower the national debt.

 @9H2WGVN from Colorado commented…7mos7MO

Ramaswamy could balance the budget on day one. Check out his plan at

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

His plan was the only tangible strategy for ending the Deep State once and for all. His plan was refreshing and inspiring and though he quit this is not the last we'll see of Vivek Ramaswamy.

 @9NVY8F9 from Missouri disagreed…2 days2D

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2 days2D

"Deep State" – a cadre of faceless elite bureaucrats who are unelected and totally unaccountable to the people, but nevertheless possess extreme and terrifying powers over life, liberty, and property, including the ability to spy on innocent everyday Americans.