Try the political quiz

39 Replies

 @9F822MV  from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Top Disagreement

no matter how highstandin you are in society, you should be charged with the same crimes as everyone else.

 @9F98KLZ from Ohio disagreed…9mos9MO

Political leaders should be held accountable for actions they've made in or out of office and their sentence should be made accordingly

 @9F9868PProgressive  from Massachusetts disagreed…9mos9MO

Those who are able to become high-standing in society (if aren’t nepo babies or criminals) have proved that they are good enough people to reach the top.

 @9F8DXW3 from Illinois disagreed…9mos9MO

Do not use tyrannical force on a political opponent. If the same was happening at other countries, we as a country would be up in arms calling them fascists.

 @9F7XW7TRepublican from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

They haven't given out when trump had the documents and who he got it from, for all we know, he could've known that they were just regular instead of classified. It needs to be more investigated before convicting him of anything.

 @9F7K288 from Georgia disagreed…9mos9MO

It is not your business who I will be voting for in the upcoming election I don’t really believe that his mishandling charge is backed by any ground other than a corrupt government. I don’t think he should have been charged but I also feel like we should hold all people to the same standards and rule of law. Current “President” if you could call him that, has been found with documents laying around in his garage visible to the public yet nothing has happened to him. I feel that there is a two sided politically motivated law coming to America and should be stopped immed…  Read more

 @9F83N26 from California disagreed…9mos9MO

Nobody should be able to access those documents except for the people using it for their mission or event.

 @9F6ZVGV from Nebraska disagreed…9mos9MO

I think that indicting a former president is a disgrace when our current president is breaking more laws

 @9F73NS2Republican from Michigan disagreed…9mos9MO

I think the government is trying to frame Trump so Biden has an easier election because Biden's political team knows Trump will be re-elected in 2024.

 @9F6PFQM from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

I think that Trump is a corrupt president, but not the only corrupt president, and all presidents should be prosecuted equally for their crimes

 @9F6S6Y3 from Connecticut disagreed…9mos9MO

We have to hold our leaders accountable. Former President Trump is no longer in office, and people deserve to see him at least be tried if not sentenced before they consider whether he should be allowed to hold the office again.

 @9F5T9JH from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

No one should be above the law in the United States. If Trump broke the law, he should be tried and he'd accountable.

 @9D4FP8K from Michigan commented…11mos11MO

To answer "Why should former President Trump not be pardoned for mishandling classified documents, if found guilty", because there is no compelling reason to give him a pardon and he, like anyone else, should answer for his crimes.

 @OppositionHarryLibertarianfrom Texas commented…10mos10MO

Should Biden and Prnce be charged?

if not, why not?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Probably, but there’s less charges to put on them because there’s a distinct difference between the these cases. Biden and pence handed them over with no pushback, and they didn’t keep it in their own homes, not to mention that a good amount of politicians do this themselves. Trump on the other hand denied they existed, then claimed he declassified them, then impeded the process of their retrieval. He lied about that to the face of the public, that’s what I’d charge him on specifically, and that’s the reason I consider him to be the more guilty party of the three. Should they all be charged? Likely, but their compliance helps their case more.

 @NobleInaugurationRepublican from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

While I understand your point about the differences in how each politician may have handled these situations, it's important to remember that the law should be applied equally, regardless of one's political position or the level of their compliance after the fact. For instance, if an average citizen were found guilty of mishandling classified documents, regardless of whether they cooperated during the investigation, they would still face consequences. Similarly, politicians should be held to the same standards, if not higher due to their positions of power.

However, if we are to entertain your argument, how do you propose we gauge the seriousness of such actions? Should there be a different scale of punishment depending on the level of cooperation during the investigation? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

I agree, my statement is that it’s less likely for them to actually be indicted since it tends to range a bit by compliance, something that both Mike pence and Joe Biden gave. They should very likely be indicted themselves, and we should already have taken massive steps to stop corruption, but that’s not gonna happen under how we currently run government.

I’d gauge the seriousness by the amount, the location of those documents, the compliance the document holders give, and the level of importance of the documents. For example, if it’s a lot of top secret documents kept in that persons home that they deny exist, they’ll have much heavier charges than the opposite level of seriousness. (Low amounts, low secrecy, kept in an old shack with little relation to that person, and they hand it over immediately.)

 @9FB2SWT from California agreed…9mos9MO

Look at everything Trump has done, he has completely mishandled critical documents and has tried to over throw the government.


It's all bull crap. Typical left wing liberal nut jobs. The Looney Left/Communist/Anti_American Left

 @VulcanMan6  from Kansas requested a reference…9mos9MO

Please provide a reference for:

Typical left wing liberal nut jobs. The Looney Left/Communist/Anti_American Left

Can you define any of these terms for us?

 @9F7BJG7 from Oregon agreed…9mos9MO

Trump should not get a free pass even if he was a president, and should be punished like any other American citizen would be.

 @9F7RC5V from Nebraska agreed…9mos9MO

What trump did was a crime, if Biden were to commit a crime, he’d be booted immediately, under the principle of limited government, trump deserves the exact same.


at this point the left knows that trump has done nothing wrong to be indited they are just using this as a tatic to keep them selves out of the spotlight and slow trump down in his campian

 @9F8JVZQ from Colorado agreed…9mos9MO

Trump's problem is that he's never been held accountable for anything that he's done. Now that he's being tried he claims persecution. Accountability must feel like persecution to someone that's never been held accountable

 @9F9VM2Q from California agreed…9mos9MO

No Trump shouldn't be pardoned for mishandling classified documents because he didn't do it and he was found not guilty so that's all the proof you need

 @9FBJC9P from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

If anyone could be federally charged and tried for something as big as hoarding important government documents, then he should be as well.

 @9F839TJDemocrat from California agreed…9mos9MO

Trump should be accounted for as a person and not as a rich one. He is guilty until proven but should face the consequences the same as any criminal.

 @9FDVZ7Wfrom Maine agreed…9mos9MO

As the president of the United States, Trump should be able to be trusted with classified documents, and leak them to dangerous people.

 @9F7GBSN from Michigan agreed…9mos9MO

I believe he should be indicted I am for it if the evidence is there and he is guilty of wrong doings.

 @9FG43BV from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

No matter your positions in society or government, you should be held to the same standards as everyone else. I don't really understand why people even think to question why he shouldn't be in jail. Any regular person would be in jail already.

 @9FFY23F from New Jersey disagreed…9mos9MO

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your status is, criminal offenses are still criminal offenses, therefore everyone should be charged the same.

 @9F8D6RB from Nevada agreed…9mos9MO

For more context, we can look at President Nixon, who withheld sensitive information. Nixon withheld information because he knew he was essentially caught and by giving up these tapes his presidency would be over. And for the most part, he was right, but by pardoning him it lets other presidential candidates know that they can get away with more and more things. This leads to the ability for presidents to abuse their power, a concept that this government was founded against.

 @9FB39SLIndependent from Washington agreed…9mos9MO

Would you agree that taking federal documents to your house without declassifying them or informing any governmental body.

 @9F45C48 from California agreed…9mos9MO

No one is above the law. Everyone should be held to the same standard, regardless of background.

 @9F3LHZK from Florida commented…9mos9MO

He is a criminal,and deserves to be punished for his (almost literally) countless crimes

 @9FBSN28 from Indiana agreed…9mos9MO

If he is indicted then we need to go back in time snd indite all the presidents who have abused their power.


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