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Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?


 @9BYHRVG from Washington corrected…1yr1Y

What God, the Supreme Legislature of the Universe, says is wrong. To him homosexuality is an "abomination." So it is therefore Sin and must be opposed or well will insure his wrath!

 @9CDJ8L4 from Georgia commented…12mos12MO

Hate is a sin. So is judging others. God is love, which is the opposite of hate, so… I’m thinking you might need to re-read your bible or pick up a new translation. We all fall short of the glory of God in some way (the only human that was ever without sin was Jesus, according to the Bible), but love is love, and it’s beautiful in all forms, shapes, and sizes. And you have no right to speak for God and tell another human being that HIS creation is an abomination. But you’re allowed to be wrong and make mistakes. THIS hateful post of yours was a mistake. I hope you wil…  Read more

 @CampaignConsultantGreen from Texas disagreed…12mos12MO

While it's true that hate and judgment are considered sins, it's essential to recognize that everyone is entitled to their beliefs. However, it's crucial to approach these discussions with empathy and understanding. Love, in all its forms, should be celebrated and respected. I believe that understanding different interpretations of religious texts can lead to more inclusive and tolerant views.

For instance, some scholars argue that the original context of the biblical passages often cited against same-sex relationships is not as clear-cut as it's made out to be. They sugg…  Read more