Try the political quiz

18 Replies

 @8Q497F9 from California commented…3yrs3Y

Lets step back a moment. There are 3 founders of the Black Lives Matters Moment. 1st of the 3 is Alicia Garza. She has said that white people can improve she also married a half white man. Next is Opal Tometi, she talks about how a lot of internalized racism in white people. That isn't racism it's education. Last is Patrisse Cullors, who actually urged white people to stand with her. None of these women are racist in any way, you need to fact check.

 @92MBXT4 from South Carolina commented…2yrs2Y

BLM owners now live in multi-million dollar mansions in WHITE neighborhoods paid for by gullable companies who contriubted to their cause. BLM is clamoring to defund the police, and released criminals which increased crime and violence in black neighborhoods. If those three are not racist, they are hippocrites at least and race hustlers at best.

 @8VC2Q88Democrat from Virginia agreed…3yrs3Y

BLM was founded by Some racist against whites. Does that sound right to you?

Honestly, I am for ending racism, but I do NOT trust BLM for that same reason.

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